// bow & arrow //


A few weeks ago the Lord gave me a prophetic word/picture of a Bow & Arrow for a friend, but the more I sat on it the more I realized the word was for me (and maybe others!).

“I got a picture of a bow and arrow.  The focus was on the bow and the tension that was being created the arrow was pulled back.  Sometimes in life it may feel that we are going backwards, when really God is getting ready to launch us forward.  There will be tension, adjusting/waiting, and needed focus to be launched forward to the goal of what God has next in our life”.

As I shared this with a few other people, they were feeling the same. The tension, the feeling like they were going backwards instead of moving forward, the waiting while things were being adjusted.

I have a choice here, to believe that my life is going backwards and good things are not going to happen OR I GET to choose to believe that God is setting me up. Setting me up to launch me right on target (and on time).   It’s not always easy… actually it can be a struggle, BUT I am choosing to believe, to embrace the process (the preparation), the tension, the waiting and see where God launches me to the beauty of “what’s next”.

*photo courtesy of Google. 😉