Day 24: “Here’s to turning 30” Birthday Week Begins!

The best part of waking up, is not foldger’s in your cup, but four of your good friends pounding on your door, standing in the rain, singing happy birthday. 🙂  Even though it was not my birthday, today was the beginning of my birthday week and my friends (my core group), took me out to breakfast. Stipulation, I had to stay in my pajamas and wear a pink “Happy Birthday” crown.  It was sooo fun! They took me to one of my favorite cafe’s in Redding, From the Hearth and we had coffee, breakfast, great conversation. I LOVE THEM! Who get’s up early to surprise a friend, in the rain at 7:13am!? I feel so blessed to have such loving and fun friends. This goes down in the books as my first surprise “birthday week” breakfast.

The Time

The Model Core Group (Natalie, Emily, Amy, Christina and I)

** Photo’s courtesy of Amy **

After my morning birthday week breakfast, I headed home to catch up on my blog (3 days worth!).  As I sat in Starbucks, it began hailing, lighting and thundering….so April showers, I guess bring…May showers??? 😉

The rest of my day was spent celebrating friends that graduated from Bethel’s ministry school this weekend before they all head out back to their countries, states and cities.

Sunday, first day of my birthday week, you have been good to me. 🙂

Here’s to turning 30!



Fresno State University Graduation, May 2008

Recreation Administration and Leisure Service Management, B.S.

Hollie, Katie and I were instant friends in college.  All Rec majors, we did all our projects together, set together and did life (on the fresno state campus) together.  All this talk of graduation, made me think of my recent (umm..well 3 years ago) graduation from Fresno State University and these two amazing ladies. I probably wouldn’t have gotten through college sane without them. 🙂

The "A" Team